Saturday, March 3, 2012

Not FAQ, but EAQ (Eternally Asked Questions)

What is the use of having a faith in a religion, if we hurt each other, the creations of our Creator ? If we believe in God, we must believe that our God creates whatever around us in this universe. So why would we hurt each other? Why do we put hatred on someone? Is that how we worship God?

What is the use of defending the religion by doing war, dispersing the anymosity? Isn't that what the angels worried about, that human would only destroy and make war, by the time God was planning to create human beings to live on earth? If God is the Almighty, then God is not about the good only, as the bad could be God's opposite. We know, if God is The Almighty, nothing goes opposite to God. The Oneness. God is beyond positive and minus.

If only what's left to go into The Light is our spirit, would we concern about our favourite foods and beautiful sexual partner? The idea of heaven and hell would be too human. Craving, painful, blissful, desperate, and other adjectives are human. So where's the divine feelings? Will it be only the feeling of hunger, that we want to eat anything we like in Heaven? Will it be only the feeling of pain, that we receive from the punishment in Hell, the pain of being burnt? What's it all about? What's life all about? Who are we and why are we human?

Anyway, have u ever felt empty somewhere, inside? That's exactly what defines us! Emptiness. We are mortal, we're empty jar given illusion of amount. We think we are busy with homework, drama, politics, looking for a love, or simply busy with cleaning the dishes. But we are empty. This life is only an illusion since life is mundane.

How could those teachers at school never teach us about the illusion of life?
The ephemeral beats of heart, the temporal duty for our lungs to pump, for our brains to think, and for me, to breath. The illusion of being human.
Where are we heading to?


  1. Tuhan cuma ada satu. Dia lah yang menciptakan kebaikan dan keburukan. Segala perbuatan Tuhan adalah baik, tidak ada yang buruk. Sebab segala perbuatan Tuhan berkisar pada keadilan, hikmat, dan kesempurnaan ilmu-Nya. Keburukan itu bukan pada penciptaan dan perbuatan Tuhan, melainkan pada sebagian makhluk-Nya. Sebagaimana Tuhan telah menciptakan iblis dan segala keburukan, hal itu mengandung hikmat yaitu berjuang melawan godaan iblis dan bertaubat ketika terjatuh ke dalam kesalahan.

  2. Kebencian orang beriman kepada orang kafir dan kebencian orang kafir kepada orang beriman bukanlah berasal dari penyimpangan jiwa. Bahkan hal tersebut adalah sifat dasar manusia normal dan konsekuensi logis dari keimanan atau kekafiran. Hanya saja orang beriman diperbolehkan berbuat baik kepada orang kafir sebagaimana sebagian orang kafir juga bersedia untuk hidup damai dengan orang beriman.

    Sangat mungkin orang bisa bersandiwara dengan slogan 'cinta sesama manusia' atau 'persaudaraan sesama manusia' atau 'tidak membeda-bedakan keyakinan' ketika mereka menginginkan kekuasaan atau sedang bermuslihat padahal kenyataannya keadaan manusia tidaklah seperti itu.
