If the perfect life came, then what would happen at that time was an emptiness.
No will.no desire.no aim.no existence.
Where numbers come to nought.
Even no one can extrapolate whether the nought is left alone or just never be there.
Believe me. This world was created not to welcome the perfection.
Perfection should be avoided. BALANCE is what we need.
Pro and con. Life and death. Evil and good. Up and down.Rich and poor. Bliss and misery. Friendly and reserved.
All been created to keep the scale on the center position. Get the consequence of left and right. There will be always the center. The center is what we want eventually, the answer for all actions. The place where the justness is found. The fettle where two axes work together to get one thing. Getting the aims.
Perfection means the death. Even worse. When it came, even someone couldn’t breath. Not
inasmuch as the incapability, the human just doesn’t want to. No desire, rite?No aim.No purpose to live. Perfection came when the dream has been achieved. No dream was left wanted.
No dream, no life.
But what is it that we see as perfection?
(Friday, May 29, 2009 at 5:31pm)
Even no one can extrapolate whether the nought is left alone or just never be there.
Believe me. This world was created not to welcome the perfection.
Perfection should be avoided. BALANCE is what we need.
Pro and con. Life and death. Evil and good. Up and down.Rich and poor. Bliss and misery. Friendly and reserved.
All been created to keep the scale on the center position. Get the consequence of left and right. There will be always the center. The center is what we want eventually, the answer for all actions. The place where the justness is found. The fettle where two axes work together to get one thing. Getting the aims.
Perfection means the death. Even worse. When it came, even someone couldn’t breath. Not
inasmuch as the incapability, the human just doesn’t want to. No desire, rite?No aim.No purpose to live. Perfection came when the dream has been achieved. No dream was left wanted.
No dream, no life.
But what is it that we see as perfection?
(Friday, May 29, 2009 at 5:31pm)
humans are always dominated by the desire to achieve the goal as the purpose of life.