Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Do His Shoes Fit Her Walking?

It does not matter which party has power over other party. 
It does not even matter whether the reign is in the hand of female or male,
but abusing the power in the form of discrimination does matter.
If we can end this, hold on...would it even be possible?
Well, let your level of intelligence and morality decide for you on how you interpret this short video.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


As a graduate from social study, I see math helps us to understand not only numbers, but also equation, elimination, substitution, and things such as irrational, integral, and derivative, to either prove a statement or find the solution.
Just like life events, humans are prone to search for balance and justice, through elimination or substitution of things in aiming for a certain equal state.
We are given problems to choose the correct solution so that it forms an equation.
One thing I cannot (yet) find is that math does not regard any competition.
If it is known that x+4=6, the needed answer is always 2. Although you put bigger or smaller number, it will not be justified.
Math is a humble science that teaches us modesty and efficacy, two things are scarce nowadays amidst the drama of life around gold, glitter, and gospel.